
Podcast: Speak to the world

(week 14)
I hate to admit that, but it is true that before this class I have never heard about podcast. Or at least not in English.
So here is what I learned from this week
- There are three general categories of activities and equipment involved in podcasting: file production, podcast publication, and delivery and playback.
- RSS feed: A feed is a simple XML file that lists the location of podcast episodes.

Now more and more students tended to listen to podcasts on computers rather than MP3 players. However, the majority of instructors reported little or no prior exposure to podcasting (Lane, 2006).Is it important to use podcast into teaching? According to dual coding theory, cognition involves the activity of two distinct subsystems, verbal system and non-verbal system. Podcast extends learning beyond text to visual or aural memory, thereby fostering students dual coding of information (From Shuya’s blog).

Teachers can use podcast as a facilitator to help students better their study, because some students might have problems when teachers express too fast. And according to Lane, Cara (2006), both students and instructors indicated that podcasting should be incorporated in courses with 100 more students, but what I concerns most is the copyright of those podcasts, it should be downloaded freely to this class, but can it be downloaded freely to the entire world? If it can, does the teacher has the copyright? There are other concerns about podcast, which is the adoption of this technology could lead to higher rates of absenteeism.
Except for the educational use, I am also curious by the number of podcasters, according to Mocigemba, 86.2% of the podcasters are males, I just wondered why men are always be the contributor of Internet?

1. Deal, Ashley (2007, June). Podcasting. A Teaching With Technology White Paper. Educause. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://connect.educause.edu/files/CMU_Podcasting_Jun07.pdf
2. Lane, Cara (2006). UW podcasting: Evaluation of Year One. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://catalyst.washington.edu/research_development/papers/2006/podcasting_year1.pdf
3. Mocigemba, Dennis, & Riechmann, Gerald (2007, July). International Podcastersurvey: Podcasters - who they are. How and why they do it. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://cms.screamingbob.com/PWDA/files/150/ipcs07.pdf

